We warmly welcome you to Prep at Brassall in 2023-2024. Our Prep Transition process aims to give families multiple opportunities to visit the school and for us as a school to get to know our future Prep students. The below information details the scheduled events across the rest of the school year. If there are any changes, we will be sure to communicate this to families and Early Childhood Education Centres.
Ready, Set, Prep afternoons!
Term 3 & 4
All in-catchment, enrolled future Prep students are invited to attend our transition events. The transition events give the children the opportunity to work and play in a Prep classroom. While the children are in the classrooms, parents will hear from school support staff around Prep readiness and how you can prepare your child for commencing their year at Prep. At these sessions, your children will engage with a variety of learning spaces, including the Prep classrooms, outdoor learning area, playgrounds etc. You will have an opportunity to observe your children in these settings, as well as to meet with school staff to hear prep readiness messages. This is a fantastic opportunity for you and your child to embark on your Prep transition.

Local Early Childhood Education Centre Visits
Term 3 & 4
As a school, we are in contact with a number of Early Childhood Centres to organise ways in which the centres and the school can connect and assist in making the transition process for families as supportive as possible. In collaboration with the centres, we look to arrange opportunities for centres to visit the school with the children.
Prep Interviews
Term 4
All future Prep enrolments will have an opportunity to meet with either our School Leadership Team Member or a current Prep Teacher. Part of this interview process includes the completion of a screener assessment and an opportunity for parents to share specific interests of their child. This 20-30 minute interview allows the school the opportunity to get to know each individual student and family. The interviews take place at school in our school library.
Moving Up Day
Term 4
All future Prep children, as well as their parents and guardians, are invited to attend the Moving Up Day. Students will be placed into class groups and will spend time with their class teacher and teacher aide in their future classroom. Parents are invited to participate in the classroom activities and meet their child's teacher and teacher aide. Our enrolments officer will email you confirmation of the orientation time you are invited to attend.
Contact Details
Should you have any queries about the enrolment process or the events outlined above please do not hesitate to contact staff below:
Enrolments Officer – Jo Baker jbake438@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal – Toni Brown tbrow495@eq.edu.au