


Quality learning spaces

We are proud of the quality classrooms and specialist learning spaces we have available. Following the 2011 floods, much of the ground level of the school was replaced.

Playing fields

Large, well grassed playing fields provide play areas for students across all year levels as well as the venue for sports carnivals.

Multi-purpose hall

The hall is used for a wide range of school and extra-curricular activities including assemblies, Physical Education (PE) lessons, skipping, musical performances, sporting activities and special events. It is used daily by students in Years 1 to 7 during the play break.

Outdoor play

A number of covered outdoor play areas provide opportunities for play and gross motor development.

Music centre

A purpose-built music centre supports the classroom music program as well as strings, choir and instrumental music.

Resource centre

The Resource centre plays a key role in supporting student learning across Key Learning Areas (KLA's). Students can access the centre before school, during playtimes and for specific focused learning opportunities.

Last reviewed 08 April 2020
Last updated 08 April 2020